Dank memes, Games, Trivia and image manipulation! Music, meme generators, image search and hundreds of fun commands!
NEW discord economy bot, FREQUENT UPDATES, global economy, wordle
A simple bot who was made for fun, economy, utility and logging. It also has commands made for moderation.
Kibzix is a multipurpose bot! It knows 100+ commands including mod, fun, stats, info and cool games! It is safe and easy to use!
Aoi, a multipurpose cute looking bot for all your servers needs. With the aesthetic look, cute bot, cute emojis, and sfw community, Aoi is the best bo
Mass Utilities is a amazing Discord bot for all of your needs.
PSlimy is a multipurpose discord bot that can bring protection and entertainment to all of your servers!
Divination made accessible! I provide in-depth meanings via Tarot, Runes, Lenormand - plus horoscopes, 8-Balls, tarot/astrology memes, & more!
Aerex - the perfect blend of entertainment, fun, moderation, and information all in one bot.
Hikaru is a fun bot for commands for everyone to love!
Who needs a girlfriend when you have a waifu? :3 150+ commands with paginated help, useful utilities, image gen and memes.
Radar is best multifunctional discord bot with many useful features!
A simple, multipurpose Discord bot.
A free and multipurpose bot for Moderation commands, Social, Fun, Games and many more ...
A Cool Multifunctional Discord Bot with over 65+ Commands!
A virtual soundboard for playing meme sounds in your voice channel.
Spicy bot is moderation, images, games, fun, config, giveawats(soon), invite system(soon) bot
A multi-purpose bot that does music, moderation, leveling and more
A multipurpose bot that you cna do whatever you want with easy commands