Image for Abuse

Abuse 20

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20 upvotes in the month of March
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Abuse is a server friendly Discord bot. He is full of Games and helpful commands for your server! Ranging from Moderation commands to Music commands, Abuse has it all.

The commands below use the default prefix for abuse ‘/’


Command Description Examples
/8ball Ask the magic 8ball a question. /8ball
/abuse Stop the abuse. /abuse
/hello Say hello to Abuse. /hello
/hug Send a hug to a friend. /hug
/kitten Put a smile on your face with cute kittens. /kitten
/l Hand someone a fat L with this command. /l
/meme Get some quality meme content. /meme
/poke Send a poke to a friend. /poke
/puppy Put a smile on your face with cute puppies. /puppy
/roll Roll a dice. /roll
/russianroullete Will you die or live pull the trigger and find out. /russianroullete
/sausage Shows the size of your sausage. /sausage
/say Abuse will repeat after you. /say
/ship See how much two people love each other! /ship


Command Description Examples
/loop Toogles loop of queue. /loop
/nowplaying Displays what is playing now. /nowplaying
/pause Pause the music that is currently playing. /pause
/play Plays music of your liking. /play
/queue Displays the queue of music. /queue
/remove Removes song from queue. /remove
/resume Resumes the current music. /resume
/search Plays music of your liking with selection. /search
/shuffle Shuffles the queue. /shuffle
/skip Skips to the next song in the queue. /skip
/stop Stops all music playing and clears the queue. /stop
/trending Shows most liked videos. /trending
/volume Changes the volume of the music playing. /volume


Command Description Examples
/config Set config of a guild. /config
/setprefix Sets the prefix for the guild. /setprefix
/setbio Set the bio on your profile. /setbio
/setcustomembedcolor Set the embed hex color code for a user. /setcustomembedcolor
/setembedcolor Set the embed hex color code for a user. /setembedcolor


Command Description Examples
/balance Shows current balance of money left. /balance
/baltop Show the global balance of the top 10 users with the most Abuse Coins. /baltop
/buy Buys items in Abuse economy. /buy
/gamble Gamble your Abuse Coins away and maybe strike it rich! /gamble
/leaderboard Show the global ranking of tiers. /leaderboard
/levelup Gain xp for weekly leaderboard. /levelup
/pay Pays another user from your balance. /pay
/slots Gamble as if you are at a casino and play at a slot machine. (testing) /slots
/tiers See tier information. /tiers
/tierup Tierup by a set number. /tierup


Command Description Examples
/ban Ban a user from your guild. /ban
/case Check a case number from your guild. /case
/kick Kick a user from your guild. /kick
/mute Mutes a user. /mute
/purge Deletes the number of messages you put. /purge
/unmute Unmutes a user. /unmute
/vckick Kicks someone out of a voice channel. /vckick
/warn Warn a user from your guild. /warn


Command Description Examples
/avatar Displays avatar of the user. /avatar
/botinfo Shows some general bot information. /botinfo
/guildpremium Check time remaining on guild premium subscription. /guildpremium
/help Shows how to use each command. /help
/invite Invitation to the bot and the official discord. /invite
/minecraft Shows server info. /minecraft
/permission Shows all of Abuse’s Permissions. /permission
/ping Get an estimate on the latency on the bot and discord api. /ping
/premium Check time remaining on premium subscription. /premium
/profile Displays user’s profile information. /profile
/roblox Get data on a roblox account. /roblox
/roles Show the roles of the current guild. /roles
/stats Shows stats of Abuse Bot. /stats
/uptime Show how long the bot has been online since the last restart. /uptime
/userinfo Displays information on a user. /userinfo


Command Description Examples
/botleaderboard Show the global ranking of bot’s upvotes. /botleaderboard
/bump Upvote a guild or bot by typing this command in a guild that you like. /bump
/calculator Works as a scientific calculator. /calculator
/google Ask google something. /google
/guildleaderboard Show the global ranking of guild’s upvotes. /guildleaderboard
/sounds Play a sound. /sounds
/suggestions Give us feedback about the bot. /suggestions
/translate Translates any language to any other language. /translate
/vote Vote for Abuse bot and get rewards! /vote
/weeklyleaderboard Show the global ranking of weekly xp. /weeklyleaderboard

Bot staff+

Command Description Examples
/addbot Staff command to add bots to Abuse Bot Leaderboards. /addbot
/blacklist Blacklisting a user from Abuse. /blacklist
/eval Run code without crashing bot and without editing files. /eval
/execute Run something in console. /execute
/faq This command is for #faq. /faq
/overridebio Override someone’s bio. /overridebio
/playlist This command is in testing. /playlist
/reload Reloads files in the bot. /reload
/setpermission Setting permission of what a user can use and can’t use. /setpermission
/tapawar Tap a war. /tapawar



Short description: Will enhance your servers. Features from MEE6, Dyno, Pancake, ProBot, Lorit, Giveaway, Arcane, Rythm, Hydra, Octave, Groovy, and Dank Memer!

Prefix: /

Servers: 0

Shards: Unknown

Library: discord.js



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