Image for LuckyBot

LuckyBot 0

Rated 0 out of 0 reviews
0 upvotes in the month of July
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⭐Bot Settings

prefix > change bot's prefix

⭐Welcome Auto Role

set-autorole > Set an auto assign role on join

del-autorole > Remove the auto assigne role

⭐Translation System

Translate > translate text with some available languages

⭐Anti Link System

antilink-enable > Enables the Anti Link System

antilink-disable > Disabled the Anti Link System

⭐Welcome System

delwelcome > Deletes the welcome channel

delbye > Deletes the bye message channel

setwelcome > Sets a welcome channel to (welcome) new members

setbye > Sets A Bye channel to (bye) members that left the server

welcomechannel > checks the set channel

⭐Logs/Events System

dellogs > Deletes the Log channel

setlogs > Sets A Log channel to track all member moves

logschannel > checks the set channel

⭐Leveling System

leveling on > Enables the leveling system

leveling off > Disables the leveling system

rank/level > Shows the current user level!

⭐Invite Manager

invitesettinggs, invitetop, inviteinfo, inviteplayer

⭐Admin Commands

mute > Mute a user

unmute > Unmute a user

ban > Ban a user

kick> Kick a user

close > Close Channel

purge > Purge Messages

slowmode > Set Slowmode

embed > Send Embed Messages

announce > Announce Messages

lockdown > Locks the current channel to prevent spammer/maintenance

⭐Information Commands

botinfo > Bot Information

userinfo > User Information

serverinfo > Server Information

coronastats > Covid>19 Statistics

⭐Fun Commands

delete, jail, brazzers, wanted, wasted, hug, gif, 

kiss, hack, 8ball, wink, howgay, imagine, dankrate, stankrate, greentext,

gamerrate, catfact, foxfact, dogfact, birdfact, catimage, dogimage, pandaimage,

slap, grey, sepia, invert, avatar, achievement, coinflip, rpc, dice


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Short description: A multipurpose bot that you cna do whatever you want with easy commands

Prefix: ++ (custom)

Servers: 0

Shards: Unknown

Library: discord.js



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