Image for שדגגדשגדשדג

שדגגדשגדשדג 0

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The Spicy bot will keep you on the server with its mod commands. In addition, the server members will enjoy the bot commands that will be added to the server activity to see the all commands do : .help you can change the prefix alwayes you want ! the level system you can disable or enable the mod commands : set-welcome-channel, .set-welcome-background, .set-chatbot-channel and fun commands as: avatar - send your avatar. coolText - Turn text into an image. wasted - send an wasted like gta. and Economy : bal - See your Balance. work - Work and Get Money. dep - Deposit money to your Bank. with - Withdraw money from your Bank. profile - See your economy Profile. daily - Claim daily Money. open-daily - Open your Daily reward. beg - get a free money. heist - Commit a heist and get a lot of money and xp. rob - robbed a user. steal - robbed a user’s Bank. search - command to get money. shop - The economy store. scrap-car - Sold one of your cars. scrap-helicopter - Sold one of your helicopter. scrap-truck - Sold one of your truck. flip-house - Sold one of your house. flip-apartment - Sold one of your apartment. fish - Fishing and got money. top-bank - top banks. top-cash - top cash. everyday new stuff coming!



Short description: Spicy bot is moderation, images, games, fun, config, giveawats(soon), invite system(soon) bot

Prefix: .

Servers: 0

Shards: Unknown

Library: discord.js



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