@AsterieBot is a divination-focused bot, specialising in providing in-depth meanings and explanation behind the cards (tarot, oracle, and lenormand), runes, and other divinatory systems it's capable of.
Asterie is the only Tarot bot on discord that allows you to choose between 1) long, detailed descriptions, 2) short, easier to read descriptions or, 3) keyword-only tarot pulls. The bot has a wide variety of decks and multiple rune sets, as well as an 8-Ball command, hieroglyphic divination, daily horoscopes (with multiple horoscope providers), astrology & tarot memes, & other misc commands.
I will always strive to add more decks (tarot, oracle, lenormand, etc), if possible more runic systems, and other divinatory systems (e.g hieroglyphic divination, ancient greek letter divination, i-ching, etc). This is a time consuming task but the bot is a long-term project that will be continually added to.
Some example card pulls https://imgur.com/a/vtNIpmo using the 'random' feature (@AsterieBot#7609 tarot random), though you can call a specific deck directly as well. The list of decks is continually expanded, and there is also an assortment of rune sets to use as well!
Users can pick between short description, long description, or keyword-only tarot pulls.
(note: slash commands are also supported. You can use slash commands by typing /, instead of @AsterieBot#7609, and a list of them should pop up explaining what they do and how to use them)
Command Name ([] = replace with answer) | What it does |
@AsterieBot#7609 8ball | Simple command that outputs an answer from a Magic-8 Ball. There's also a more 'fun' sub-command ;) |
@AsterieBot#7609 astrology [sign] | Horoscopes! |
@AsterieBot#7609 astromeme | Astrology memes! |
@AsterieBot#7609 cardsearch [deck] [cardname] | Search for a specific card! |
@AsterieBot#7609 choose [option 1], [option 2], [option 3] | Asterie will pick one of your specified options for you |
@AsterieBot#7609 compliment [@user] | Compliment your fellow discorders! |
@AsterieBot#7609 greekoracle | A unique divination system based on greek letters. |
@AsterieBot#7609 hieroglyphics | A unique divination system based on Egyptian hieroglyphics |
@AsterieBot#7609 joke | Asterie's capable of giving out simple jokes :) |
@AsterieBot#7609 runes [rune_set] | This command is used for runic divination. You can either choose a rune set directly, or use random. You can also optionally pull up-to four runes. |
@AsterieBot#7609 tarot [deck] | This command is used for cartomancy with Tarot, lenormand, or oracle decks. It gives you various options on how many cards you wish to pull, what deck you wish to pull, or what type of random deck you want. |
@AsterieBot#7609 tarotmeme | Tarot memes! |
Short description: Divination made accessible! I provide in-depth meanings via Tarot, Runes, Lenormand - plus horoscopes, 8-Balls, tarot/astrology memes, & more!
Prefix: @AsterieBot#7609 (or /)
Servers: 20,948
Shards: 21
Library: discord.py
Review: bad
Review: As the unbiased owner of this bot I think it is great