EggLord offers:
Egglord also adds a new mention like @everyone and @here, the @someone
, which allows you to pick a random member of the server!
Egglord has a lot of features, with 11 categories:
, fact
, meme
, reminder
, pokemon
and 5 more!g-start
, g-reroll
, g-edit
and g-delete
, giveaway
, server-info
, poll
, and 4 more!reload
, shutdown
, addban
, eval
, changemymind
, phcomment
, stickbug
, whowouldwin
, threats
, and 10 more!leaderboard
, rank
, invite
, status
, support
, and 3 more!ban
, clear
, kick
, ticket
, warn
, report
, unmute
and 9 more!play
, queue
, shuffle
, seek
, lyrics
and 12 more!serverstats
, set-(level | moderation | music | nsfw | search)
and setlang
, weather
, twitch
, steam
and 4 more!startmusictrivia
, stopmusictrivia
See the full commands list (over 100)
Short description: A multi-purpose bot that does music, moderation, leveling and more
Prefix: e!
Servers: 0
Shards: Unknown
Library: discord.js