Image for Beatz

Beatz 0

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Thank you so much for checking out Beatz! A next generation Music bot!

Standard Prefix: >


  • >addsong, Add a favorite song to your profile (you can always play this song with >play favo.
  • >botinfo, Play a song from youtube or soundscloud.
  • >dashboard, Get a link from the dashboard.
  • >help, Get a embed with all the commands.
  • >history, Get a embed with all the songs that have been played in the server.
  • >invite, Get a invite link.
  • >loop,Toggle music loop.
  • >lyrics, Get the lyrics of the song that is current playing.
  • >move, Move the bot to a other channel.
  • >nowplaying, Show the song that is currently playing.
  • >pause, Set a track on pause.
  • >ping, Show the bot's average ping.
  • >play, Play a song from youtube or soundscloud.
  • >playlist, Play a playlist from youtube.
  • >profile, Get a embed that shows your or sombody els his profile.
  • >queue , Show the queue and what is playing on that moment.
  • >remove , Resume currently playing music.
  • >resume , Remove song from the music queue.
  • >search , Search and select music to play.
  • >seek, Fast forward to a specific time in the current playing song (Beta Mode).
  • >shuffle , Shuffle queue.
  • >skip , Skip the currently playing song.
  • >skipto , Skip to the selected queue number.
  • >stop , Stops the current music.
  • >suggestion, Get song suggestions from a title or song artist.
  • >uptime , Check the uptime of the bot.
  • >volume , Change volume of currently playing song.
  • Future

  • The dashboard will be better in time, we are working on that (For example web-player).
  • So what are you waiting for? Invite Beatz today and start making some noise!



    Short description: Beatz is the soundtrack of your life! Invite now play tomorrow

    Prefix: >

    Servers: 0

    Shards: Unknown

    Library: discord.js



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