Image for Santa's Boom Box

Santa's Boom Box 0

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BTMN is a classic music bot with over 20 commands all to do with music and more!

We also have features like YTT (youtube together) with your best friends! And !!Config where you can change your Prefix For Your Guild And Your DJ Role

What We Are Working On!

We are working on a new help command, new command sections such as moderation! and more per-server commands

!!bassboost - Enables bass boosting audio effect !!clear - Clears the server queue !!config - Edit the bot settings !!disconnect - Stop the music and leave the voice channel !!grab - Saves the current song to your Direct Messages !!help [command] - Information about the bot !!invite - To invite me to your server !!loop - Loop the current song !!loopqueue - Loop the whole queue !!lyrics [Song Name] - Shows the lyrics of the song searched !!nowplaying - See what song is currently playing !!pause - Pauses the music !!play [song] - Play your favorite songs !!queue - Shows all currently enqueued songs !!remove [number] - Remove a song from the queue !!resume - Resumes the music !!search [song] - Shows a result of songs based on the search query !!seek - Seek to a position in the song !!shuffle - Shuffles the queue !!skip - Skip the current song !!skipto - Skip to a song in the queue !!stats - Get information about the bot !!volume - Check or change the current volume !!youtube - Starts a YouTube Together session



Short description: BTMN • Music • Fun • 24/7

Prefix: !!

Servers: 0

Shards: Unknown

Library: discord.js



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