Image for Nana

Nana 0

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0 upvotes in the month of September
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Commands of Retro:

General commands・10 announce - Announce a message with bot. avatar - Show avatar of a member/bot. emoji - show a preview of an emote. invite - Return a invite link of this bot & its support server. ping - Show the latency of bot. say - Say something with bot. botinfo - Show information of this bot. emojiinfo - Show information of an emoji. userinfo - Show information of a member/bot. serverinfo - Show information of a server.

Moderation commands・5 kick [reason] - Kick a member with a specific reason. ban [reason] - Ban a member with a specific reason. delete - delete message in a specific amount. cteatetxt - Create a new text channel on Guild. cteatevc - Create a new voice channel on Guild.

Fun commands・1 meme - Show a random meme from reddit.

Music Commands・11 join - Connect to a voice channel. disconnect - Disconnect from a voice channel. play - Play a music. pause - Pauses playback. resume - Resumes playback. stop - Stop playing audio. loop - Loop current song. queue - Show song list in queue. nowplaying - Show current song name. skip - Skip current song. setvolume - Change the volume from 1 to 100.

Support: ・Bot InviteSupport server ・Made by - False Developer#2119.



Short description: An all in one discord bot including Music, Moderation, Fun and Utility.

Prefix: ;

Servers: 0

Shards: Unknown




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