/help - Displays the modules available.
/moderation - Shows all the moderation commands avaliable.
Moderation Team /warn - Warns the mentioned user along with a reason. /dm - Sends a DM to the mentioned user with the context. /kick - Kicks the mentioned user.
Admin Commands /ban - Bans the mentioned user.
Owner Commands /say - Says the context. /esay - Says the conext in a embed.
/ticket - Displays all the ticket commands.
Officials /intro - Gives a intro in the ticket. /done - Gives a finish to the ticket.
/utility - Displays all the utility commands. Server /stats - Displays some server info. /membercount - Shows the current member count /total - Displays the total member count.
Bot /ping - Displays the bot’s ping. /uptime - Displays the bot’s uptime.
/custom - Displays all the custom commands in the bot. Members No commands as of this time.
Short description: Utility is a bot that can warn, kick, ban. Has custom commands. A support server to help you!
Prefix: /
Servers: 0
Shards: Unknown
Library: discord.js