Introducing a new and simple custom bot useful for your community servers! Some of the features of this bot are: -Animals -Announce -Embeding -Fun -Furry -Logging -Math -Moderation -Owner -WikipediaAndUrban -Help
Command section:
Animals bunny cat deer fox husky snek wolf yeen Announce announce announce_setup Embeding embed embedimage Fun ascii avatar channelinfo coinflip dm guildinfo howgay massnick reddit userinfo Furry furhug furlay furmur furry Logging set_up_logs Math add ceil divide multiply subtract Moderation ban hackban kick mute mutecreate purge report slowmode slowmodeall Owner allmembers checkadmin say status WikipediaAndUrban urban wikipedia Help help info ping
Use [command] for more info on a command. You can also use [category] for more info on a category.
Short description: Hello! I'm Mayo, a custom multi purpose bot useful for community servers, my command categories are: Admin, fun, general, logging, moderation and even WikipediaAndUrban commands! If you are looking for a simple and useful bot, I'm the one!
Prefix: my.
Servers: 0
Shards: Unknown