Image for Jarvis

Jarvis 0

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Fun: 8ball, ascii, calc, choice, color, findwords, flip, fml, fortnite, fortniteshop, joke, lmg, lovecalc, minecraft, number

Other: channels, help, modules, invite-link, invite, members, ping, quote, someone, stats, hastebin, terms

Music: back, filter, filters, lyrics, np, pause, play, queue, resume, skip, stop

Utility: giveaway, dmme, invites, permissions, remindme, reportuser, shorturl, serverinfo, userinfo, staff, suggest, translate, setafk, setbio, avatar, profile, achievements, birthdate, bug-report

Images: bird, bunny, captcha, clyde, dog, duck, facepalm, fire, food, jail, love, mission, phcomment, qrcode, rip, scary, tobecontinued, triggered, tweet, wanted, wasted

Settings: automod, autorole, configuration, ignore, setfortniteshop, setlang, setmodlogs, setprefix, setuserreports, setsuggests, slowmode

Economy: deposit, leaderboard, money, pay, rep, rob, slots, withdraw, work

Moderation: ban, clear-sanctions, clear, kick, mute, poll, sanctions, say-embed, say, setwarns, unban, unmute, warn

Administration: addcommand, addemoji, delcommand, deletemodcmd, backup, goodbye, welcome, announcement, checkads



Short description: Jarvis is best multifunctional discord bot ready to help you at same moment!

Prefix: ?

Servers: 0

Shards: Unknown

Library: discord.js



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