Image for Sanity

Sanity 0

Rated 5.0 out of 1 reviews
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Sanity is an Advanced Multi-Purpose Discord Bot. Sanity is has many features with many things to offer. The feature we offer are Moderation, Welcome, Advanced Logging, Fun, Utility, Short Links, Server Invite Aliases All commands can be found on our on our Documentation. Visit the dashboard to edit server setting!

We are always updating everything to make your experience better. We are also adding new features to help and entertain the server. Check out our new Premium system at

Here are a few commands/features:

Fun: Cat, Dog, Avatar, Coinflip, Jumble, Hug

Logging: Message Logs, Channel Logs

Take control of your server. Make your server entertaining. Don’t lose your Sanity, Keep it!



Short description: Sanity, the best bot for server links, advanced logging, warning system, and welcoming those new members.

Prefix: ()

Servers: 36

Shards: Unknown

Library: discord.js



Profile Picture

Review: No review was provided.