Multifunctional bot for Discord
Configurable Welcome and Farewell:
Text and Image: Allows you to customize the welcome and farewell messages with text and images. You can set the background, welcome/farewell message.
Verification System: Includes a captcha verification system and verification role setup to ensure new members are not bots. Users must complete a captcha to gain full access to the server.
Anti-Alt: Blocks alternate accounts. Anti-Caps: Prevents excessive use of capital letters. Anti-Invite: Blocks invitation links to other servers. Anti-Link: Blocks unwanted links. Anti-Mention: Limits mass mentions. Anti-Raid: Protects against raid attacks. Anti-Spam: Prevents spam. Anti-Flood: Controls mass sending of messages.
Reaction Roles – Allows users to gain roles by reacting to specific messages with emojis, allowing for custom emojis.
Auto Roles – Automatically assigns roles to new members when they join the server.
Moderation – Includes commands to ban, kick, and mute users, making server management easier.
Tickets – Allows the creation of multiple tickets per thread to manage user requests and issues in an organized manner.
Suggestions per Reaction – Users can submit suggestions and upvote or downvote through reactions.
Statistics System Stats – Tracks and displays server statistics such as the number of members and bots. Your Discord server’s statistics system can provide valuable insights into member activity on your server.
Log System:
Logs: Keeps a detailed record of server activities such as message deletions, edits, member additions and deletions, role changes, and more.
Short description: Multifunction bot, configurable welcome, settings [photo, text] ticket, stats autorole, anti-raid, anti-spam, anti-alt and much more.
Prefix: /
Servers: 0
Shards: Unknown
Library: discord.js