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Multifunctional bot for Discord

Configurable Welcome and Farewell:

Text and Image: Allows you to customize the welcome and farewell messages with text and images. You can set the background, welcome/farewell message.

  1. Captcha Verification:

Verification System: Includes a captcha verification system and verification role setup to ensure new members are not bots. Users must complete a captcha to gain full access to the server.

  1. Advanced Moderation:

Anti-Alt: Blocks alternate accounts. Anti-Caps: Prevents excessive use of capital letters. Anti-Invite: Blocks invitation links to other servers. Anti-Link: Blocks unwanted links. Anti-Mention: Limits mass mentions. Anti-Raid: Protects against raid attacks. Anti-Spam: Prevents spam. Anti-Flood: Controls mass sending of messages.

  1. Role Reaction System:

Reaction Roles – Allows users to gain roles by reacting to specific messages with emojis, allowing for custom emojis.

  1. Role Entry System:

Auto Roles – Automatically assigns roles to new members when they join the server.

  1. Ban, Kick, and Mute System:

Moderation – Includes commands to ban, kick, and mute users, making server management easier.

  1. Multiple Tickets per Thread System:

Tickets – Allows the creation of multiple tickets per thread to manage user requests and issues in an organized manner.

  1. Suggestion System:

Suggestions per Reaction – Users can submit suggestions and upvote or downvote through reactions.

  1. Statistics System Stats – Tracks and displays server statistics such as the number of members and bots. Your Discord server’s statistics system can provide valuable insights into member activity on your server.

  2. Log System:

Logs: Keeps a detailed record of server activities such as message deletions, edits, member additions and deletions, role changes, and more.



Short description: Multifunction bot, configurable welcome, settings [photo, text] ticket, stats autorole, anti-raid, anti-spam, anti-alt and much more.

Prefix: /

Servers: 0

Shards: Unknown

Library: discord.js



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