Image for BAUL


Rated 0 out of 0 reviews
0 upvotes in the month of April
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Command Info


+help or +h List of all commands +play or +p Plays a song +radio (radiostation) (volume) Plays a radio station +search (URL/NAME) Searches for 15 results +status Shows queue status +nowplaying or +np Shows current song +play or +p Plays a song +pause Pause the song +resume resume the song +shuffle or +mix Shuffles the queue +skip or +s Skips current song +stop or +leave Stops playing and leaves the channel +volume or +v Changes volume +queue or +q Shows current Queue +loop (0/1/2) Enables loop for off / song / queue +lyrics or +ly Shows lyrics for this song +jump (Queue num) Jumps to a queue song +stats or +about or +botinfo show about bot info

Setup Commands

+prefix (new prefix) Changes the prefix

Others Commands

+ping Gives you the ping +invite Invite the Bot to your Server +botlist Gives you the botlists of the Bot +vote Vote for BAUL +uptime Show the bots Uptime

24/7 Commands

+afk enable Enable 24/7, use this command when bot in vc +afk disable Disable 24/7

Filter Commands

+filter bassboost Gives you bassboost filter +filter 8D Gives you 8D filter +filter vaporwave Gives you vaporwave filter +filter nightcore Gives you nightcore filter +filter phaser Gives you phaser filter +filter purebass Gives you purebass filter +filter reverse Gives you reverse filter +filter treble Gives you treble filter +filter karaoke Gives you karaoke filter +filter flanger Gives you flanger filter +filter gate Gives you gate filter +filter haas Gives you haas filter +filter mcompand Gives you mcompand filter +filter tremolo Gives you tremolo filter +filter chorus Gives you chorus filter +filter vibrato Gives you vibrato filter +filter surrounding Gives you surrounding filter +filter pulsator Gives you pulsator filter +filter subboost Gives you subboost filter +filter sofa Gives you sofa filter +filter desilencer Gives you desilencer filter +filter clear remove all filter



Short description: Music | 24/7 | Filter | Radio | advanced music with 30+ Radio Stations & 21+ filters, like 8D Audio, Play songs from YouTube & Sound Clould

Prefix: +

Servers: 0

Shards: Unknown

Library: discord.js



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