Command | Description |
/testbot |
Send a test message to your current game-deals text channel. |
/channel |
You can set which text channel you want to receive free game deals. Use /channellist for the list of channels. |
/cat |
You can set from which categories you want to receive messages. Use /catlist for the list of categories. |
/notify |
You can set which roles will be notified when there is a new deal. Use /notifylist for the list of notifications. |
/lastgames |
Display latest 10 free games. |
/admin |
Admin lock is a RECOMMENDED feature. You can set which user roles can change the bot settings. Use /admincheck , /adminroles , /adminsetrole , /adminactivate for admin settings. |
/lang |
You can change language of the bot. Use /langlist for the list of languages. |
/info |
Display your default settings. |
/video |
Tutorial video about how to use the bot. |
/invite |
Bot invite link. |
/fgc |
More info about |
The bot sends notifications in your Discord server about free, limited-time games from various platforms like Steam and Epic Games. It’s an excellent way to expand your game library without any cost.
For a comprehensive guide on all commands and detailed features of the Free Games Discord Bot, check out the full information here.
Find out how the bot works, troubleshoot issues, and learn about the various features and customization options. Get answers to common queries and understand how to maximize the bot’s utility on your server.
For all detailed information, guides, and FAQs, visit Free Games Discord Bot.
Short description: Free Games Bot: Alerts for Steam & Epic Games deals on Discord. Quick setup & custom options!
Prefix: /
Servers: 0
Shards: Unknown