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Abuse Radio 36

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Abuse Radio

Abuse Radio is a server friendly Discord bot. Abuse Radio brings 24/7 music to all your guilds with a simple config.


Command Description Examples
/help Shows information on each command. /help
/invite Gives an invite to Abuse Bots. /invite
/config Configures the voice channel for music to play. /config (voice channel / disable)
/music Let’s your pick the genre of the music you would like to listen to in your radio channel. /music
/eval Allows owner to make quick and easy changes to the bot. /eval (text)



Short description: Abuse Radio brings 24/7 music to your servers. Combined features from Rythm, Groovy, Hydra, and Octave!

Prefix: /

Servers: 0

Shards: Unknown

Library: discord.js



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