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Fortipaw 0

Rated 5.0 out of 1 reviews
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The strongest and fastest anti-alt, anti-spam, and anti-scam detection ever seen on Discord.

Fortipaw is a bot designed to protect your servers. Fortipaw will instantly protect your servers from raids, and other suspicious activity, powered by AI. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

When something is going down in your server and no one is around to stop it, Fortipaw can detect the activity and slow it down. The bot will alert people directly while the incident occurs. Fortipaw can similarly completely stop suspicious joins and spam from even entering! With advanced "CAT"CHA systems, there will be no trace of alternative accounts or spam accounts in your servers.


  • Anti-alt Upon join when Fortitude is enabled, users will be DM’d a checkpoint URL. (If the user does not allow DMs, they will instead be pinged in the necessary channel) Upon clicking the URL and connecting their Discord account, Fortipaw will immediately start checking for any suspicious behavior.

  • User Trust Factors Each individual is given a number (In the bot’s mind, this number can range from 0-7). Depending on a user’s trust factor, different actions they do in the server change how much of a priority the alert is. (e.g. Trust Factor is 1, user pings everyone without permission, alert will be large.)

  • Anti-spam/scam Using a large machine learning module, CooprTech AI servers are able to detect and stop a spammer/scammer within seconds. This model is trained in servers where users agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Fortipaw and COOPRTECH’s AI systems are not completely foolproof. You and your moderators should be aware that very rarely there are false positives when checking users.



Short description: The strongest and fastest anti-alt, anti-spam, and anti-scam detection ever seen on Discord. Powered by CooprTech AI. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Prefix: /

Servers: 0

Shards: Unknown

Library: discord.js



Profile Picture

Review: I use this bot on my server with over 7,000 members, and it really does catch everything and anything that could be suspicious.