A High Quality Music Bot For Your Server… Introducing Astoria ❤
Astoria Has Many Music Commands . You Can Play Music By “search” “start” “play” “p”
Also It Has Others Information Commands Like You Can see bot’s Uptime and Ping by “up” “Uptime” or “ping”
Some Most Used Commands Like “247” “prefix” “autoplay” . 247 command provides you the Astoria stay in 24/7 in vc . Prefix Provides you to change the bot’s server prefix
It has many filters commands like 11+ but you can clear all by “clearfilters”
It has some utilities commands.
Again, It has Optional Music Search Source Engine Like Spotify, SoundCloud, Deezer, Apple Music ETC which made Astoria More Cool.
Make Sure to invite him in ur server .
Short description: A High Quality Music Bot Ever
Prefix: >
Servers: 0
Shards: Unknown
Library: discord.js