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zagzag 0

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This bot can send random numbers using the “random-number” command you choose a from number to number e.g 1 10 would send a random number from 1 to 10

Anti scam links. Use the command /anti-scam-links-on to turn on, and use /anti-scam-links-off to turn off. It deletes scam links when they are sent . There is a database with some of the scam links and a package called stopPhishing (on PyPI) that also has a database with scam links.

This bot has some moderation commands like kick and clear. kick kicks a member the command only shows for people with the kick member permission. Clear purges messages only shows for people with manage messages. mute and unmute which mutes/time outs users only shows for people with the manage messages permission

This bot has a auto moderation feature that blocks discord servers invites do /anti-discord-servers-on to turn it on and to turn it off do /anti-discord-servers-off, those only show up for people with manage server permission. anti spam if you do /anti-spam-on it will block spamming and time out the user in your discord server. if you do anti-spam-off to turn it off. people with the manage server permission can see the commands.

This bot has command logs which means every time you use a command it shows your username to the dev. This bot also has server join and leave logs which means if you invite number bot to a server then it will show the owner’s name of that server and the name of the server. Same for the server leave

welcome and leave system type /welcome-setup put your welcome channel and your welcome message if you want to mention a user do {mention}. The leave system do /leave-setup put your leave channel and your leave message again do {mention} to mention a user.

this bot has a verification system type /verify-setup to setup and type /verify-del to turn the verification system off

this bot has anti bad words type /anti-bad-words-on to turn it on and to turn it off its /anti-bad-words-off. censored by better_profanity and perspective APi. It censors nicknames and messages.

this bot has anti toxicity to turn this on do /anti-toxicity-on and to turn it off do /anti-toxicity-off. It uses the perspective API



Short description: anti-spam, anti discord server invites, join/leave systems, moderation tools, verify system, anti bad words, fun commands, anti toxicity and anti scam links

Prefix: / (slash commands)

Servers: 1,122

Shards: 1




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